Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Getting close!

The Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
          The reality of the trip is beginning to set in, finally! Melis and Uncle Neal and my "Grandma" Frances are coming up to our house on the 28th (Friday!), and will spend a week with us, then down to theirs, and from there, we're off! Cleaning, etc, is going on, and it's marvelously exciting to get ready for people! The anticipation is so thick it can be tasted while we work, and the whole house is lit with an unmistakable glow of happy expectancy.          

          Packing (I'm ashamed to say) has not even been started, but I did manage to sort through my closet a little bit, and am getting back to practicing my Turkish.  I can say hello, goodbye, how are you, "I'm fine, thank you", excuse me, thank you, good morning/ evening/ afternoon, etc... and have started on the days of the week, a small army of animal names, and some common phrases (for example, "how do I get to...?" - although I probably won't be needing that one much!).  At any rate, I'm expecting things to speed up when Melis gets here!  (I can't wait!)  

        By the way, if you've noticed the link bar to your left, there's a link to "Free Rice".  I personally enjoy this site immensely because, 1) It supports and sends food to people who need it, 2) You can change subjects! (check out the subjects tab at the top of their webpage), 3) It's overtly educational, and I feel much smarter after spending a little time on it!  This last may be an illusion, but it's a nice illusion just the same!  

         Hannah (my little sister) is unfortunately bedridden at the moment with the ever-common crippling disease known as a fever, and is of practically no use to anyone except as entertainment (she lays on the couch and makes random noises that might have at one time been meant as comments, but are totally muffled beneath her blankey).  

         Well, nice as it is to post more muses, I must take my leave, bid you farewell, and say with Shakespeare's Celia (As You Like It), "Now go we in content/ To liberty, and not to banishment." - and also, we go to clean!  Take care...
            ~Bekah   ;-) 


Nanna said...

Hi Bx,
I Miss U.
when are you going to be on? I want to talk to u.


Anonymous said...

Bex!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess what? Today i learned how to like mushrooms!!!!!!!!!! Mom cooked them up just the way Julia Child says to and viola!!!!!!! they were GOOD!!! isn't it a miracle!!! i never thought I would actually LIKE MUSHROOMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Nanna ;p

Bx - The One You All Know! said...

aww, I'm glad! aren't they good, silly-willy? ;-) *muah*... will post some later, but right now it's about 2 in the morning and I have to go to bed ;-)
We've been to the airport, a palace, a market street, to the grocery store (Migros) and I'm picking up Turkish like flypaper picks up flies! Love you! btw, you would love the street cats here :-) *muah* talk to you later hon... love to Mom and Dad and all of our friends! ;-)
night, dearie!

Emily said...

Sounds like fun!

Banana, you'll have to send me you're "actually LIKE MUSHROOMS" recipe ;) Haha!

Miss you both!